Wednesday, January 03, 2007

i bet everyone is having fun at their jcs now.
well guess what, i didnt have such a great time at cj.
well of course i made new friends etc but the whole experience would still be in my what did i do to deserve this list.
i never had such a weird time during a sort of convention/orientation/camp.
because of my stupid voice.
no it didnt get better.
in fact, it got worse!
and i tried talking the normal amount i usually do but it just made my voice worse and there was a point of time when i just didnt feel like talking cause 1) my voice sounded like shit 2) my throat felt like shit.
it was just wrong.
i'm a peer leader, i'm not anti social.
i like interacting with people but it was just so difficult with a shit voice.
shit there were times when i felt so bored.

ok auntie here give you all one piece of advice.
shut up.
dont talk so much.
i'm a very good example.
talk so much until can lose voice.

oh well, maybe tomorrow will be more fun :D
but i still miss scgs.
and i miss everyone.
i wish i was smarter and joined everyone at rj/nj/ac/sa ):