Thursday, May 21, 2020

An unprecedented time

Hello :)

This space has been a part of my life since 2003, from when I was 13 till now when I am turning 30. It has always been a special place for me, where I could be myself and just express my thoughts and secrets.

It seemed right to return to this space at a time like this. An unprecedented time for the entire world, a curveball no one saw coming that impacted our lives and norms like we could never imagine.

A chance to return to basic... to a life of simplicity and learning to find contentment.

We are given the gift of time and learn that it is not easy to use it to the fullest. Inertia, self-doubt, lack of perseverance and sloth are all traits of human weakness.

I have come to appreciate simple joys during this time. I dug out old colouring books, set a goal to read a novel I have left unwrapped for over a year, practiced cartoon drawing, and started an art therapy journal (amazingly published locally by Red Balloon Therapy) as a self-care routine.

Earlier in the year, I actually invested in a new camera. It was a present for myself for turning 30 this year. Unfortunately with all the circuit breaker measures, I have been unable to put it to good use but I do look forward to the time we can enjoy strolling the streets and exploring other countries and cultures.

I decided to take this time and organise some pictures that I have taken so far. It has been almost a year since I received a Pentax ME Super for my last birthday and started dabbling in film photography. I never had the confidence to say that photography is my hobby, but I think I overthink things too much sometimes and I should be proud to say that I am interested and trying to learn more about photography. Film photography especially has taught me to slow down, focus on the moment and treasure each shot. I find it very therapeutic and helps with my concentration. Even through the shots that don't come out well, there is a lesson to be learnt about letting go and just telling yourself to try again next time.

With that said, I tried to see how I could organise my pictures and try to make sense of some of these travels I have made.

No one can expect what lies ahead and how this pandemic will develop and unfold. In Singapore, the government has outlined precautionary measures and plans that could be in effect till the end of the year. Our livelihoods, family dynamics, social interactions and understanding of society's functions will transform and evolve in unforeseeable ways. I do hope to go with the flow well and try to stay positive and optimistic amidst it all.

It is a very interesting year for my friends and I to turn 30 years old. As much as age is just a number, this situation that we are in does make this milestone more memorable and challenging. It is a significant pivot in our life stage and one we can definitely look back on with amazement as we age. I do hope that turning 30 in a time like this could help me better understand myself, my values and outlook on life to help me on this crazy journey of adulthood.

Cheers (because now I love to drink hoho)!