Wednesday, May 09, 2007

being sick sucks shit :(
and this is the 3rd time i'm sick in 5 months!
but at least i didnt lose my voice this time :D

i actually felt sick ystd already but i didnt do much about it :(
went to school feeling feverish.
i was dyinggggggggg during the first lesson- student development.
i had my head on my table most of the time cause i was sooooooooo tired (like sick sort of tired)
and stupid ms rani was like asking teresa 'what's wrong with wanyin' in this annoyed voice.
argh i was sick and i still had to deal with rani :(
the wholeeeeeee class seriously dislikes her :x
was dying during econs lect too, yangyang was advising me to go home but i stubbornly insisted that i dont want to go home.
lucky break saved me!
i was feeling much better after eating :D:D:D
managed to survive gp, geog tutorial and physics tutorial before going out!
i love spending time with my class (:

woke up this morning feeling quite shitty so i didnt go to school.
went to see the doctor and got my mc.
then later in the afternoon i went to town to cut my hair.
shopped a little at topshop before FINALLY going to far east to buy my hair ties (and a new hairband!)
i've been telling my class that i want to go buy hairties everytime we go out for the past few days but we always ended up going some place else and forgetting to get my hairtie HAHA.
then my family had lunch at this peranakan restaurant :D:D

i feel bad for missing training today :(
i want to go for training and play hockey with my team! :(

anyway, i'll be going back to school tmr but i cant take my napfa.
my napfa is driving me mad.
cause like i'm doing worse then i did in sec4.
ok i've just been quite stressed lately
- being sick
- h1 mid years are bloody approaching(i havent listened to a single geog lecture up till now :()
- my screwed up napfa(my disappointing shuttle run which used to be my ace station, cant do proper pull ups and lack of practice for sit ups)
- this geog test yesterday that i didnt know about and didnt study for (i'm obviously going to fail it :()

i can do this :D
must start studying for the exams!

yea ok so i'm going back to school tmr.
and i have no trainings on thurs anymore so yay i hope we can go out! :x
it felt weird not seeing my friends today :(
ok bye! :D