Tuesday, January 03, 2012

After going on a hiatus due to her illness (and marrying the awesome mizushima hiro), Ayaka is back with a new album (:
She's my idol.
Very classy looking, great stage personality, great voice, faced her illness bravely and can also dress very well hehe.

And I'm really missing Indonesia.
It was just a good break and I think I really needed it.
Even though this team for the OCIP may not have been as bonded as Namaste, I felt like it was a much more eye-opening and meaningful experience.
Perhaps because I'm older now and I tend to pick up more serious issues and perhaps also because I was more involved as a member of the organising committee.
This time round I was in Programs instead of Logistics so definitely much more involved in the teaching part of the OCIP.

I realised I really like little kids, I got free kisses on the cheeks and lips from 2 cute little boys from this kindergarten called Elim Karos HEHEHE!
Next time I am going to inculcate the habit of giving goodbye kisses everytime my children go out of the house!
But I also realised I think I can only have 1 child.
I think I can't really distribute my attention and my care across a few children, I need to give my 100% to 1 child at any one point in time.

Also, I foresee myself going on more backpacking trips <3
Time to explore the rest of Asia!

And damn it, I need to start doing research for exchange application zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Still not sure where exactly to apply to, I'm only sure about Vienna and Budapest :/
Shall worry about this another day HEHE. :D