And hello again.
Every time I come back I always feel like time has flown by. Crazy how ever since I started working, I feel like time really just slips through your fingers. The weeks just zoom by and before you know it, it's almost the end of the year.
I've just found myself at the crossroads once again. As lost as I ever was, still unsure what direction to pursue and what I should be doing with my life.
Though I think I've identified the big dilemma brewing inside of me.
I struggle to come to terms with whether I should force myself to continue trudging down the corporate part, trying to scrape together pieces to form what might seem like a 'proper' professional career that my mother and society keeps pressuring me to establish. Or, should I just fuck it and do something totally different.
My sense of responsibility, love for the colleagues I've worked with, and good relations with my clients that I've worked with has brought me this far. I've always yearned to do my best in whatever I'm working on but when I ask myself what really makes me happy, it's about helping people, giving, and contributing selflessly. Nothing is more satisfying when you hear a thank you for your help.
I feel like my utter lack of ambition and thirst for accomplishment will always be there. And likely will be the biggest hurdle for me to 'make it' in the corporate world.