i almost got sucked back into that phase of my life and it terrified me so much.
i cant believe i cried over it AGAIN, im so sickening omg.
but i would like to believe that now im prepared not to lose it again (:
suffering from like post period cramps (!!!!! WHAT A NIGHTMARE) and moodiness.
bad temper + moodiness = killer combo
after putting starlight on repeat for like 3 hours during nightstudy which is very motivational when trying to do the math specimen paper that totally STUNNED ME, im getting pulled back to the korean music scene HAHAHAHAHA
sigh gosh but so many new songs to download!
and after yiting told me about wondergirls's new song, its been stuck in my head HAHA
i cant believe my ipod's top 25 most played songs are mostly korean and chinese (jerry yan's wo hui hen ai ni!)
HAHAHA but thats also because this is a relatively new ipod, unlike my old nano where muse occupied like all the top 10 spots HAHAHA
and so i shall listen to my new korean songs while i tackle innova's math paper (:
oh yes and wow everyone is like nuts over the f1 thing :/
while out with yiting yesterday, we almost went down to city hall from bugis to go watch it cause she was so excited about it althought i was very -__- about it HAHA
but although i was ok about it, it got too late and we wasted so much time playing arcade and eating HAHA
sorry but cars just dont get me excited.
off to do math!