Monday, November 21, 2011

I have come to learn that communication is one of the most important thing in maintaining relationships.
Honest and sincere communication is the key.

To the people that matter, we need to share what is on our minds and what we have hidden in the depths of our heart.
Holding back benefits no party, others are left guessing while you keep your true feelings inside and torture yourself with it.

Up till this day, I don't know what you feel about us and about what happened in the end. But not like I told you what I felt about everything either.

I am sorry that I always held back my thoughts and feelings, I am still learning to change my terrible habit of keeping things to myself. When asked about it, I would refuse to reveal anything and just turn away with a muttered 'Nothing.'. And with a determination that I don't see myself displaying during more crucial occasions, I would hold on to my worthless pride and keep my inner thoughts and feelings to myself. So silly really, all I did was make it difficult for you and me. I would like to blame it to being an only child, but I am sure that's not the only reason.

Communication was one of the key things we lacked and sad to say, minimal is left now as well.

I can only wish you the best from the bottom of my heart and I believe you would wish me too (: