although i came home damn tired after a long day of car washing cip, i decided to turn on the com for a while before i went to take a nap.
i spammed so damn many shows SIGH
slacking at the grandstand with yuling eunice alicia yiting fiona and teresa after school till 4
training at police academy
sigh ended training horrible, made a really bad mistake at the end of training.
i always feel very frustrated at myself if i dont train well.
and i had to rush off early so i couldnt stay back to train somemore with the rest :(
went back to school with yiting
met qian for dinner
cozy corner and golden rooster at coro were closedddddddddddddddddddddd :(:(
ate at this like chinese place where the pork chop was really fatty :x
went delinquent style and slacked at the steps outside coro <3
went to crown centre, met preena! :D:D:D:D
went to serene macs and slacked without buying anything.
had REALLYYYYYYYYYYY bad cramps so ill island creamery supper plans werent materialised.
just when they decided to FINALLY bring apple pie back, it was the day that i got ^*%&^% pain cramps ARGH
cabbed home
spending time with qian is always cheap and good <3<3<3<3
woke up early for a hwa chong cip car wash at redhill
we were supposed to meet there at 7.15am omgggggg
i dont even reach school that early lah.
it was pretty interesting (:
we went out to get donations and omg singaporeans can be really generous.
this guy gave 50 bucks!
then we helped with the car washing and that was pretty fun (:
got to meet kimberly nicole and hanlin! yay yay
slacked at playgrounds
ate free food and got a free cip shirt
explored the car park, went right up to the roof
it was damn nice and we could see delta's hockey pitch from the roof
there was a girls friendly going on, and it made me realise how much i liked playing hockey <3
ok im going to just rant about alot of jap drama info, so if you understand yay spread the love <3
ikuta toma has a new drama!
Hachimitsu to Clover
omgggggg he's so cute and the girl is so pretty!
nodame cantabile has a special!
tamaki hiroshi is so damn bloody hot
and i started a new movie called Kanojo to no Tadashii Asobikata
starring the actor from hana kimi that acted as the flirty playboy captain of house two
ok and ive been youtubeing/crunchyrolling so many things
so many things to watch, so little time omg
and i have physics spa on monday and econs test on tues OMG
and i have my STUPID physics tutorial to finish by tues and i dont understand a thing
if not she'll punish us and make us sing/dance wth
ok but im still going to watch my shows HAHAHA