Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just finished Shokuzai.
Not in the bad way like Shutter Island but in a 'All hail Minato Kanae for the original story and Kiyoshi Kurosawa for the screenplay, how could anyone have written such an intelligent, thrilling and well-linked story'.

I still remember in secondary school, I had a teacher who showed us Zhang Yi Mou's Raise the Red Lantern and he told us that in Zhang Yi Mou's movies, if you were to pause at any scene, the scene would still look like a beautiful photograph.
Of course I take that statement with a pinch of salt but since then, I also used a similar criteria to observe every movie that I watch.

Shokuzai definitely fits the bill.
Additionally, there are also truckloads of good actors and actresses in every single episode.
All in all, I think it makes a very classy and intelligent short-drama which successfully explores many many ugly issues which are rarely brought to light.
Humans after all are very flawed creatures.

Ok now time to get some work done, I have fallen back into holiday mood after a cleared my presentation and mid term on Wednesday hehe!